Photo by Amber Orlino
sir chunk
I play guitar and piano in Curious Volume and bass with Sh(Au)n Gold and Co!e R¡ce in Our Own Yokos.
I’m a card carrying Max/MSP nerd and I’ve released a few Max4Live devices; my latest are TheWheelOfFortune & aBigRedTimeMachine, dialRock, & DVD.
Occasional and former groups include Bye Bye Empire, The Knockout Theory, The Messenger Flood, and a cover band, Jukebox Q.
The Adventures of Wonder!
The Law of Large Numbers
A Parable
Mumbles & Whispers
Mumbles & Whispers by Curious Volume
2011 — album/ska-punk
Andrew “dNo” Paladino, John Trotta, Zach Sandel, Brian Buchanan
Mastered by Jeremy Comitas.
On The Blacktop
On The Blacktop by Curious Volume
2011 — singles/ska-punk
Andrew “dNo” Paladino, John Trotta, Zach Sandel, Brian Buchanan
Mixed & mastered by Jeremy Comitas.